I dedicate this blog to Kahealani Sisson Satchitananda, one of my Facebook friends, who without knowing it has been practcing the spirit of Tiara Tuesday and Pure Aloha for years now. She is truly an inspiration.
You may remember back in 2003 that Ellen DeGeneres' talk show debuted. At the time I was living in Seattle and I'll just say it...not lovin' it so much. I have to say my then friend, Brenna, and the Ellen show were a couple of what seemed like the few bright spots in a mostly grey canvas.
In one particular show, one of Ellen's guests (okay it's a bit fuzzy now) but somehow brought her a tiara or mentioned she was a beauty queen back in the day and somehow the word "Tiara" was brought into the conversation.
About this same time, I was reading a book by Doreen Virtue about Angels and Ascended Masters. One of the chapters was about Dana (pronounced like dawn-ya). Dana's specialty, if you could call it that, is reminding us and helping us to feel the truth of how royal we are in Divine Eyes. The royal to me includes wearing a crown. Something that is crown-like to me is a tiara. I love alliteration. Voila! Tiara Tuesday was born.
In 2003 I didn't have my same spiritual understanding as I feel I now have. So, back in the day it was more about setting aside the day to remember and connect with Dana and my intention to bring forth more of this Divine Truth understanding about my self in my life.
Sometimes it seems like, at least for me, when I practice things that are in the realm of the physical unseen it may seem like nothing is going on. Six years later, I am thrilled to share I do have a better understanding.
I'll be honest, since 2003 there has been many a Tuesday where the thought of Tiara Tuesday didn't even come close to penetrating my conscious attention. It is my hope and intention that with the creation of this blog and sharing this with the Co-Creators of Reality (CCOR) community and the Facebook Honoring the Divine Feminine group community, that will change.
While I also dedicate this blog to Dana, I desire to take this to a new level. As divine, human, whole, well-beings that we are in truth and in Divine eyes, my desire is to make Tiara Tuesday about practicing being comfortable with my divine identity. I also desire to be open as to what that means or how that will show up, as I believe the new age means living a life on earth more like the idea I thought it would be like in Heaven. That Heaven is here now...alive and well and happening on Earth, if you have eyes to see and enjoy it.
And I am thrilled for any and all my Divine Feminine sisters (and Divine Masculine brothers who either are confident enough with themselves to sport a Tiara or who feel more comfortable substituting a crown for the tiara) who want to share this experience with me.
So it begins.
P.S. Even if the Tiara you wear on Tuesday is imaginary (or a $1 plastic, child's tiara), the power and the vibe is more about a feeling of knowing you are the supreme ruler by Divine Right of your own personal consciousness...not about literally wearing a tiara.
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